Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Image Description
Accelerated reader book finder database
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
Find AR books for your reading requirements. Search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books.
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Early World of Learning database
Early World of Learning
Three interactive learning environments for preschoolers and children in early grades.
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Explora database
Explora allows you to search multiple EBSCO databases for information about arts and literature, business and careers, consumer health, current events, geography and culture, and more.
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Points of View database
Points of View Reference Source

Contains many topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument).

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A picture of 4 teens cooking at a stove
Recipes from KFPL's Cookbook Club

This is a list of recipes that have been made by the library's cookbook club.

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world book online kids database
World Book Kids

Thousands of colorful illustrations, diagrams, and maps enrich thousands of articles, with teacher guides. 

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