Kids Winter Reading Challenge
Join the Kids Winter Reading Challenge Feb 1 -Feb 29th!
Starting Feb 1st, pick up a BINGO game sheet at the library and play for a chance to win a winter book and game prize pack. BINGO occurs when 5 activity/reading blocks are completed in a row on the sheet (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). Earn up to 5 raffles tickets to enter a special prize drawing. Return the completed Bingo sheet to the library by February 29th. The winners name will be drawn on March 1st.
A Special Winter Reading Kickoff will be held on Tak Your Child to the Library Day; Saturday, February 3rd!
Meet Children's Librarian, Dianne Piper, pick up a Reading Challenge Bingo sheet and a free COSI Connects Science Kit, whiles supplies last. Kits are made possible through a partnership between COSI Science Center and the Ohio Library Council. Kits contain water-themed, stem based activities appropriate for kids is in grades K-8th. No registration is required.