Jeopardy Boards

Enjoy the following Jeopardy style trivia boards created by the Kinsman Free Public Library using Jeopardy Labs. Play it alone or with teams for a fun and interactive game night. Play on your phone, laptop, or display it on your TV for even more fun! Simply select the number of teams from the drop down menu (or no teams) then click Start.
Books & More Jeopardy Board: This board includes categories such as Ohio, Best Sellers, Retail Therapy, History, Banned Books, Toys & Games, Also a Candy, and a final Jeopardy Question.
Middle School Trivia Jeopardy Board: This board includes categories such as Middle School Science, History, English Language Arts, Math, Movies, Art, and a final Jeopardy Question.
60's, 70's & More Jeopardy Board: This board includes categories such as Science, Brands, Animals, Acts of Kindness, Name That Band, 60's and 70's Trivia, Name That Show, and a final Jeopardy Question.
Random Trivia Jeopardy Board: This board includes categories such as Which Country?, Science, Animals & Insects, Geography, Random 1, Random 2, and a final Jeopardy Question.
- Winter Holidays & More Jeopardy Board: This board includes categories such as Guess the Movie, Thanksgiving, Christmas Songs, Decades, Company Slogans, Nursery Rhymes, Local History, Christmas Word Scramble, and a final Jeopardy Question.