New Library Director

cheryl new director announcement

KFPL Board Announces Cheryl Slater as New Library Director

Kinsman Free Public Library (KFPL) Board of Trustees selected Cheryl Slater as Library Director. Cheryl started at KFPL as a Library Aide in 2007, then became Technical Services Manager in 2013 and most recently, managed the Teen & Media department since 2016. 

After interviewing multiple candidates, the Board of Trustees appointed Cheryl to the position with an official start date of Monday, February 14, 2022.

Throughout Cheryl's career in Library Service, she has played a key role in promoting and encouraging our patrons to read. Cheryl fosters creative reading incentives, actively promotes emedia resources, and offers fun and engaging programs. She consistently meets the challenge of converting non-readers into "readers". 

"I am self-driven and passionate about helping others. I believe in taking on challenges and exploring new concepts to improve library efficiency. Working with the staff and community these past 15 years has been an honor and a privilege. Wherever I am, I always promote the Library and our services. I take pride in my job and I like to share it with all who will listen." 

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