Borrowing Guidelines

You must present a valid Kinsman Free Public Library or CLEVNET member card to borrow materials, pick up holds, pay fines, and use public computer stations.​

Card Holder Responsibilities:
The signer of any application is responsible for all material charged out on that card (adult and minor), and any payment/fees incurred on that card. Please note: Library staff does not monitor or restrict a minor’s choice of materials for any  reason. The parent/guardian is encouraged to take an active role in monitoring what is being borrowed.

Report all lost/stolen cards immediately. Card holders are responsible for all materials charged on the card up until the time of notification. Report all changes in name and contact information to the library.

Fees for Replacement Cards:

  • Adult:$3.00
  • Minor: $1.00

Lending Periods:

  • 7 Days for AV materials including CD/DVD and Magazines
  • 14 Day All other materials, unless noted

Items borrowed from other libraries may have a different loan period set by the owning library. Refer to your checkout slip and account information for due dates.

Returning Items:
Items can be returned to the Library at the circulation desk or in the curbside drop boxes. Please note, card holders are responsible for items until they are discharged inside the Library, this includes any damages that occur to items in the drop box. Do not force or overstuff items in the drop box. You can also return to any CLEVNET library.
Damaged, Lost Material:
Repair/replacement fees are charged and will include a processing fee. Minimum repair fee is $3.00 per item.

Overdue Materials:
$.10 per item, per day for books, magazines, audio books, CDs
$1.00 per item, per day for DVDs 
Overdue notices are sent automatically to card holders. After a set time, the overdue item(s) will be considered lost and the card holder will be billed.

Any fee or overdue item on your record will  restrict you from any online action within your account. A fee will restrict card from use.

Payment of Fees:
Cash or check (with a valid library card & ID) are accepted at the Library. Fees may be paid online through your CLEVNET account with a credit or debit card. Fees may be paid in full or installments. Returned Check Fee: $30.00

CLEVNET Account:
Your CLEVNET Account allows you to renew items, place holds, and pay fines. You can log into your account using your card number as the username and 8 digit birthdate as the pin.

Reserve Materials/Place a Hold:
Place a hold in person, by phone, or online by logging into your CLEVNET account. You will be notified when the item becomes available by phone, email, or text. Items will be held at the library for 4 days for pickup. You will need the library card used to place the hold in order to pickup. Holds are not transferable to another patron’s card.

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